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Don't Be Perfect, Be Realistic!

As low as $9 a meal! No Commitment, Cancel Anytime!

Y LA DIETA QUE - Everyone get asked when are you starting the diet? 

The real question should be when are you going to be consistent with your eating habits?

Well Y La Dieta Que is here for you so you can be consistently inconsistent. 

Comfort food that’s completely balanced and portion controlled. 


When being asked if you're starting your diet, you always reply "I'll start Monday", but by Thursday the average person forgets about their diet. And then everyone asks Y la dieta que? 


So our promise to you is to always start your week with a healthish option and end your week eating great and feeling great. so that the next time someone asks you Y LA DIETA QUE? 

You can answer ME LA COMI!!

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